Indigenous Television is Nepal's, in fact south Asia's, first and only multilingual Indigenous community television, with a mission to speak for, of, by, and to Indigenous Peoples… [more]
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Sherwi Ngenthin Gi Lyarim
Serwi Ngyanthin Epi_ 70 हिमाली दुर्गम जिल्लाको गुम्बासँग सम्बिन्धित समयस्य हल गर्ने छु ||
1252 Views | February 22, 2021
Serwi Ngyanthin Epi_ 70 हिमाली दुर्गम जिल्लाको गुम्बासँग सम्बिन्धित समयस्य हल गर्ने छु ||