Sthaniya Sashan

स्थानीय शासन । १० । सार्बजनिक सुनुवाई गोदावरी । Public Hearing on Godawari Municipality.

1175 Views  |  December 12, 2018

This weekly TV programm titled 'Sthania Sashan' term for Local governance highlights, how a newly formed local government is serving to the local communities, whether local communities are happy with the serivce delivery by the local government. What were the commitments expressed by the representives during the election, whether they have been fully realize in practice. What are the needs of locals, whether their right to development, access and meaningful participation in the decision making level are fully realized as said forth the local government act or not, based on these, Indigenous Television faciliated the public hearing between the local and governent officials. The idea of facilitiation is to replicate to other local government as well. This is the glimpse of the same public hearing.